Class Room Procedures

Mrs. White
Long Term Substitute
2011-2012 School Year


            Thank you so much for agreeing to be my long term sub.  I’m sure that you know how things generally work at JEJ Moore because you are starting the students off for the year it is really important that you work with either Mr. Darby or Mrs. Crites to make sure that the students are taught the proper Hurricane procedures for the year because I will expect to know them and follow them upon my return. Mr. Darby and Mrs. Crites have been our team leaders in the past and they both are wonderful to work with and will be happy to answer any questions that you have or you can call me at (804) 281.5380 or email me at   I am good about checking my email to see how things are going. 

Here are some personal procedural issues that are meaningful to me as a teacher:

·         One of the big procedural issues in my class is “no yelling out”.  Students are to raise their hands.  If I have someone who is unable to stop themselves consequences are used first lunch detentions then steps.
·         Students can only have 5 bathroom/water passes per 9 weeks.  Once they use them up no more bathroom requests will be honored.
·         Students need to fill out the agenda a certain way at the start of each 9 weeks-
·         5 spaces for each core subject need to be marked off and labeled.
·         You will need to make a seating chart and if students still have issues with their seat move them and adjust the cart
·         Please set the tone for GUM.   I have a zero tolerance policy.  If you have some who continually abuses the policy use lunch detentions and if need move on to steps!


Locker Time – Students go to their lockers as they get off the bus.  Once they have their materials they go to their homeroom and sit in their assigned homeroom seat.  You will need to assign them seats.  If they need to go to the library they can during homeroom.  We also have a locker break before lunch (which last year was after channel one at 12:13).  This may change due to the new calendar year.  Bottom lockers go first on Even days and top lockers go first on Odd days. All students should be finished at their lockers by 12:20 which is when I would line them up for lunch.  We have to walk our students to and from lunch.  You will need to pick them up at 12:50 (time used last year)

Breakfast Students – Students should go to breakfast after they have been to their lockers.  You will need to get breakfast passes from the Copy Room and hand them out at the beginning of the year.  The pass is to be stapled or taped in the front of the Agenda. I do not have a stapler.  I had three and students broke all three.  I can no longer can afford to replace staplers.  This is the fourth year where all my staplers were broken.  If you need a new Breakfast Pass for a student, they are in the Copy Room.

Bathroom Passes – Students are encouraged to go to the restroom during Homeroom. There are necklace passes from this past year hanging on my board.  I keep them on the board so that students can use them as needed.  I only let one person at a time go to the bathroom.  I do not let boys and girls go at the same time!  During class time they have to write it in their agenda first and then get the necklace.  Please don’t let them interrupt teaching to ask to go.  The words bathroom should never be used.  They should just bring you the agenda at an appropriate moment, you have every right to say no especially if you are teaching or they are abusing the privilege.   Once they use all 5 passes…they will need to use 5 Hurricane cards to leave the room.  Please note if someone is always leaving at the same time.  They maybe meeting someone from another team in the bathroom.  I have found this to be an issue in the past.

Library – Students are also encouraged to go to the Library during Homeroom. They will need the agenda or the AR Pass. Library passes are explained further in the 5th Period section.  No more than 3 at a time.

Attendance Cards – These will given to you and you will need to put the labels on them.  I assign a responsible student to take attendance.  At first you will have to do it. 

Announcements – Students are expected to be silent during the announcements. If a student is not silent, please give him/her a lunch detention.  Lunch detention slips are also available in the Copy Room.  The announcements are shown on channel 14.

7th Grade Step System* –You will need to have Mrs. Crites explain this to you and show you how to give steps on the Internet.  Don’t allow a few unruly students to ruin a class.  If you are really having issues you will need to call home or use referrals.

AR-AR has been a big issue in the past and there will be probably be changes to the policies and procedures related to AR that I will not even know until my return.  You will need to talk with Mrs. Labbate-A9 Wildfire Team-about the new AR procedures.  They may affect the whole team and you will need to explain them to the other team members.

Copies-All teacher are being asked to conserve paper this year and I will only have a certain amount of paper allotted to me for whole 2011-2012 School Year.  Please be mindful of the number of copies you ask for.  Please try to reuse worksheets and have students put their answers on their own paper.  The general rule is that you need to have the copies into Janis in the Mail Room by 10:00 to get them for the next day.

Passwords, etc.
1. Gradebook            
Login ID – cwhite
Password – thomas
2. Weblog                  
Login ID – cwhite
Password – thomas
3. Copy Number       

4. BrainPOP
Login: jejmoore
Password: brainpop
Grades – I plan to be back in October.  It depends on when the baby is born.  I will be taking only a few weeks Family Medical Leave.  I don’t know the exact date of my return.  Hopefully, you won’t have to worry about anything but nine weeks grades.  You might not even have to prepare Interim Reports for the first 9 weeks.  You will need to talk with Mrs. Crites or Mr. Darby about due dates, etc.  Check with Mrs. Labbate about the weight for each category (see the very bottom.of POST for last years weights.)  I am not sure if any changes were made for the coming year.

Homework – I give a minimum number of homework assignments because, it has been my experience that most students do not complete it when I assign it.  I usually assign 20 minutes of AR a night.  It is up to you how you handle homework.  If I give class time to work on something and the class is not using their time well I will often make the unfinished portion homework. The trick is getting it back for the next class.  If it is something very important it is better never to let it leave the room. 
Agendas – Students are to write assignments in their agenda.  Things like projects, AR due dates, etc. I also post these items on my WEBLOG.  It covers you for when parents say they didn’t know about an assignment.

Make-up work – It is the student’s responsibility to come to you during Homeroom, or 5th period extension and find out what they have missed in English.  Students who need to make-up work in other classes can go to see that teacher during this time.  AR time last year was 11:40-12:00.  Then we watch Channel 1 from 12:00-12:13.  Please check with Mrs. Crites or Mr. Darby about any changes to the make-up work policy.  Last year they had 5 school days upon their return to make work up, but this policy was abused.  I will use whatever new policy the school has decided on for the new year.

Instructional Team Meetings – These are held during the first half of planning period on Wednesdays in Mrs. Labbate’s room A-9.
Benchmark Testing – I am sure that the administration will make you aware of any new policies with regard to Benchmark Testing.  I will probably be back to take the students however if not it will be given in early November. Lori Poythress will give you more information about dates, etc. (Again I will probably be here for this).
Text BooksDo not give out books.  Keep a classroom set in the room.  My English text books are in the closet next to Mrs. Crites.  Just get enough for your largest class.   

Supplies at the beginning of the year –Student will give you all kinds of supplies especially tissue please store them either in the room or in the storage closet (if there is room).  We will need them!  Check with Mr. Darby or Mrs. Crites for the supply list.

Daily Schedule

Odd/Even Days

You will be given a copy of our detailed schedule.  It will most likely will have minor changes from last year.  You will need to check with Mrs. Crites or Mr. Darby if you have any questions.  This schedule lets you know exactly when and where the students are during the day. 

On the Hurricane team the 2010-2011 schedule was as follows:

1st/2nd Period                    
8:53-9:23              Planning
5th Period (Everyday)         
11:00-11:40         Extension
AR Reading                        
Channel 1/Lockers            
6th/7th Period                     

Here was how the categories were counted for English 2010-2011 School Year:
Test:                   40%
Quizzes:             30%
Classwork:         20%
Homework:        10%